Fractal Universe and Variable Planck Constants
The view of the universe is constantly evolving. The theory of the multiverse challenges the idea that our universe is the only existing one. This theory connects the concepts of quantum fluctuations, variable fundamental constants, and the hierarchical arrangement of the universe into a single speculative theory. Planck constants play a key role in this concept, as they determine the energy, length, and time scales of each layer of the universe.
Structure of Empty Space
At first glance, the vacuum may seem like an empty space, but quantum field theory shows that it is not. The vacuum is a dynamic structure filled with quantum fluctuations where virtual particles constantly appear and disappear. These fluctuations, although short-term, have a real impact on physical reality. For example, the Casimir effect demonstrates how vacuum fluctuations can generate attractive forces between two nearby surfaces.
Quantum Fluctuations and the Formation of Virtual Particles
Quantum field theory shows that the vacuum is a “boiling soup” of oscillating quantum fields that enable the creation and annihilation of particle-antiparticle pairs. This phenomenon is governed by Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle:
ΔE · Δt ≥ ℏ
This principle allows for the short-term “borrowing” of energy from the vacuum, which allows for the creation of virtual particles. If the values of fundamental constants, such as the Planck constant (ℏ), differ in other layers of the universe, quantum fluctuations can occur with different intensities, significantly affecting the structure of the given universe.
Fractal Universe and Variable Planck Constants
The theory of the fractal universe assumes that universes form an infinite hierarchy of layers, with each layer having its own fundamental constants, such as:
- Gravitational constant (G)
- Speed of light (c)
- Planck constant (ℏ)
These constants directly affect Planck units:
- Planck length: lₚ = √(ℏG / c³)
- Planck time: tₚ = √(ℏG / c⁵)
- Planck energy: Eₚ = √(ℏc⁵ / G)
In lower layers, where ℏ may be smaller, quantum effects would be less pronounced, time would flow faster, and particles would be smaller. Conversely, in higher layers, where ℏ is larger, quantum fluctuations would be more intense, time would flow more slowly, and particles would be larger.
The Formation of a Universe from Quantum Fluctuations
Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle allows a large amount of energy to be created even on very short time scales. If the Planck energy in a particular layer of the universe is high enough, a quantum fluctuation can create a new “pocket” of space that exponentially expands due to inflation and becomes an independent universe. This process is analogous to the creation of virtual particles but on a much larger energy scale.
Multiverse and the Infinite Cycle
According to this theory, our universe is just one of countless universes forming a hierarchy of multiverses. Each of these universes has different constants that affect its size, duration, and physical laws.
Lower layers: More stable vacuum, weaker quantum fluctuations, faster time flow.
Higher layers: Intense vacuum, strong quantum fluctuations, slower time flow.
An interesting aspect is that what may appear as a moment in one layer may be a long period in another layer. Thus, each layer can appear to the observer as a completely different reality.
Expansion of the Universe and Its End
The expansion of the universe, driven by dark energy, may be the result of interactions with higher layers of the fractal universe. As our universe continues to expand at an accelerating rate, individual regions of space become isolated, which could lead to its “end.” At this point, all particles lose the ability to interact, time loses its meaning, and all borrowed energy returns to the vacuum.
The theory of the fractal universe with variable fundamental constants provides a fascinating view of the origin and structure of the universe. The key aspects include:
- Quantum fluctuations can create a new universe in other layers of the fractal multiverse.
- Variable Planck constants affect the time, length, and energy scales of individual layers.
- The multiverse is a hierarchy of layers, each with its unique physical properties.
This view of the universe opens the door to new theories that could explain not only the origin of our universe but also the infinite diversity of other worlds that may exist beyond our reach.
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